Monday, April 28, 2008

Time Stops

My favourite song from my favourite pianist Suzanne Ciani is a beautiful piece called 'Time Stops'.

It is a peculiar name to a song and I have always wondered what it meant. How can time stop? We try very hard to preserve our experiences, capturing precious moments in pictures but the reality is that we can never stop time.

People are always running out of time. We grow old and someday we would die. People face deadlines all d time. To a cardiologist, time is myocardium saved. There is always a schedule to stick to because even if we freeze and stop dead in our tracks, the rest of the world moves on. And we always hear the phrase, 'time flies'.

But for me, time has somehow slowed down. I could hardly believe that it has only been 50 days since my last post. In less than 2 months, so much has happened to me and the people whom I am very close to.

I sat for my final professional exams last month. During my exams, it did occur to me that time had gone by very quickly and I was at the end of 5 years of med school. That 2-week period was very challenging. Studying for exams was taxing but I got through it with a lot of love and encouragement.

My best friend broke up with her boyfriend in the middle of exams. It was shocking, and distressing. I went through a myriad of emotions during this time even as an observer, I cannot begin to imagine how she coped with the breakup.

After that, everything happened so quickly I could hardly keep up with the events.

I passed my exams and had to move out of my hostel within a few days. Leaving the hostel was difficult. I packed 3 years of memories in 3 days. Moving home was equally challenging. I am still having difficulties unpacking.

It has only been a month since I came home.

I learned to bake.
I went on some crazy outing with my friends and had loads and loads of fun.
I had an operation and now a fading scar on my skin.
I went on a trip to Hatyai, had lots of sweet, sweet mangoes and came back with a few additional bags.
I found out that the man my best friend was dating is already seeing someone else.
I spent many days with someone dear to me and had some truly amazing time together.
I am very much closer to my sisters now that I am home.

Only a month, yet I feel different.

I do not know who said this, but I believe it is true that the only constant is change.

And echoing Suzanne Ciani, 'Have you ever felt time stop? Have you ever been in love?'

Having lived it, I think I know what she meant.