Monday, December 10, 2007

Drops from Heaven

The rain always bring out a different side in people... It changes people's mood in a blink of an eye. Some become gloomy, some hysterical, manic, or even apathetic. And people do strange things during the rain. I know of many who would see it as the best time to sleep. I have heard of people who sit by the window to listen to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof. Some go crazy(disinhibited) and would run down a field while getting soaked. Or perhaps dance in the middle of the rain. My dog used to try and bite the raindrops.

It is a blessing and a curse. To dry areas, stricken with draught and famine, what a wonderful gift from God can rain be... welcomed by everyone, celebrated with thanksgiving and hopes of a better tomorrow. With rain comes life, growth and vegetation. And the precious fresh water which we all depend on, and are ever dependant on. Yet, rain can take away everything as well. It would rob a fisherman his daily catch, or even his life if he was caught in a storm. Rain that would not cease will give rise to a deluge, destroying everything in its path with a vengeance, swallowing lives without conscience.

It had rained the whole day today. How many slept through the rain?
How many lives were changed today?

1 comment:

TK said...

I love the sound of rain. Or anything to do with water in general... I keep telling myself I'd like to finally settle down in a house with a nice big garden so I can build a little pond with a fountain, just to listen to the water flow.