Monday, February 11, 2008

Revision Blues

Today is the 5th day of Chinese New Year.
It is also pre-exams day.
This is our exams week for the Orthosurgery posting. I have Surgery clinicals tomorrow, Orthopaedics clinicals on Thursday and theory paper on Friday.
Feels horrible to have a holiday turn into study leave.
15 days of Chinese New Year might seem like an over-indulgent affair but like most Chinese, I celebrate any cause to makan :)
My brains are in a state of denial! I've been staring at my books for hours and yet there were no synapses at my amygdala. Don't even talk about my amygdala....I wonder if my Wernicke's is fully functioning at the moment.
What is this?
Where I am sitting, this looks so much more tempting.

I am a month away from my finals. Haven't really had the time to reflect back on my 5 years of med school. Sometimes I wonder what is my most important lesson in med school.
As a med student, the doctors and lecturers keep telling us that most of what we learn in med schools will not be what we see in future as doctors. We are now at the textbook level, and we do not always find textbook patients. The practical aspects of being a doctor has to be experienced and learned that way.
For now, a med student has to sit for her exams in the midst of Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day (not that I have a date anyway).

"Medical practice is not knitting and weaving and the labour of the hands, but it must be inspired with soul and be filled with understanding and equipped with the gift of keen observation; these together with accurate scientific knowledge are the indispensable requisites for proficient medical practice."
~Mosos ben Maimon (1135-1204)

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