Wednesday, September 28, 2005

camping at PD

About 2 months ago, I tagged along Aspirasi (uni's students' association) to Port Dickson for a camp. I expected lots of outdoor activities, kinda like those team-building exercises at Outward Bound School. We stayed at the Marina World Resort, a complex of apartments overlooking a bay. The view was fantastic from where I was staying (15th floor).
The weekend was spent doing nothing, quite frankly. We had a simulation session of a university elections and I quite lost with the process of registration, nomination, campaigning, etc. The great part about the camp was that I escaped the horrendous KL haze. We spent some time climbing a hill to a very old lighthouse, seeing monkeys on the way. Did some kayaking, got some tan, ate a lot of food, slept the rest of the time. Quite fun.
Marina World is a really nice place to stay. The apartment I was in had 2 rooms, a kitchen and a living area. I had a room to myself, the privacy was great and I loved the air-conditioning.
I thought I preferred the mountains, but I love the sea-breeze and the sight of iridescent water.
This place really isn't a bad place for a weekend vacation.

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