Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Freedom Fighter

I watched the Iron Jawed Angels yesterday afternoon. This movie featured the plight of Alice Paul and the suffragette movement of America in early 20th century. It made me realize just how much these courageous women had sacrificed to be regarded as equals in a society dominated by men. Some died of exhaustion while campaigning for their cause, others arrested with false charges because the authority just wanted to pack them up in jail. Hunger strike in jail followed by gruesome force-feeding. It is very inspiring how these women’s perseverance earned them their liberty.

In debates, we talk about freedom and rights but we should all ask ourselves just how much we understand it. I think it’s very important that we understand such concepts because with understanding comes belief, and when we believe, we can be convincing.

So, going back to freedom and rights, most of us take our liberty for granted. We live in a democratic country (almost) and thus, have no problems in voting rights and a chance to education. Many of us are complacent because the fight was already fought, and won. Supposed if we still had to fight for democracy and equal rights, would we have been so passionate as our predecessors?

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