Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Reading a very old and boring book

Cashelmara. It's an estate in Ireland, owned by the English de Salis family. After the potato famine, the landlord Edward poured in $ to develop the land and waived rents to allow the tenants to have enough food for themselves. He remarried at 60, to an American girl called Marguerite who was 17 at that time. They had 2 sons together but his heir was his son Patrick from his first marriage.

Patrick married Marguerite's niece Sarah (complicated huh?) and squandered his inheritance gambling in the clubs of London. When he was broke, he had to sell of the country estate, close the London house and live in Cashelmara to save $. Patrick found the Marriage Act (you know what I mean) repulsing and only did it to get an heir (now you know what I really mean). Patrick and Sarah had a son named Ned (there were 3 other younger children as well). Later in life, Patrick had an affair with their land agent Hugh, Sarah separated from him and ran off to America with another man, Maxwell (he's a tenant, and yes it is very complicated).

At the end of it all, Patrick turned an alcoholic, Maxwell murdered Hugh, Sarah murdered Patrick and Ned murdered Maxwell. Sarah was sent to an institution (mental).

I bought this book at a secondhand book stall in Giant. It was brown and the paper was brittle. I paid RM7 for it. What a waste of $ and time. It is really old. This book was a gift for someone named Ean back in 1976. Where was I?

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