Monday, October 03, 2005

Wear It Pink Walk For Life

I followed my dad to a walk yesterday. The company he works for was involved in supporting the Wear It Pink campaign (it's for breast cancer awareness) and the Walk for Life event was the last to mark the end of a reportedly successful campaign. It was an 8km walk from Pantai Hospital all the way round Bangsar to end back at the hospital (duh!). Anyway, dad's company printed their own T-shirts for their staff participating in the walk and it was quite cool. I wore a pink sweatpants to match it (can't see in the pic though). That's dad, me and my dad's colleague from Japan, Yumeda-san.

The event was amazing. They had student nurses training in Pantai to hold poster boards, funky music, aerobics warm-up session with a pretty cool (albeit a little feminine) fitness instructor, the Minister of Health Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek all dressed up for a little sweat, and about 1000 participants (Dad's company had about 200 staff and family members). It was like a rally. Only thing missing was the chanting part. My sister suggested we should all chant "We love breast!" but perhaps that's a little over.

Dad wasn't thinking of walking all the 8km, he planned to either walk a kilometer or take a shortcut route about halfway (after living in Bangsar for more than 20 years, shortcuts can be found everywhere). So we broke off from the group after maybe 3 km and went for breakfast. So much for an early morning walk.

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